Wordy Writer’s Log 092319
Two years ago as I set out to write my latest book, I struggled to find words to put on a page! It was hard labor for sure and I honestly didn’t think I’d ever really finish it! It became an exercise in perseverance, obedience, and metamorphosis— it ended up almost nothing like I had envisioned. It was much better, much more and I have been grateful how my allowing God into the mix changed not only the course of the writing, but me as well!
Fast forward 2 years later. I currently have one writing project on hold due to outside circumstances involving a collaboration. I have at least 5 projectes that need completion — okay — they need starting!
I headed down this path to call myself out as I sat on my deck this morning with my coffee, and I had a realizaton! Yesterday we drove 2.5 hours to portray a biblical character and deliver the message at a friend’s church. As we drove, I read over the presentation on the same topic I had done at a women’s retreat 2 months prior.
The more I thought about the setting and the audience, the more I edited (e.g., shortened) the talk. I omitted several paragraphs that were more geared to the original audience and also an antetode that was fine, but would have taken extra minutes, and it wasn’t really relevant with the new, tightened up version.
Are you thinking, “so what’s the point?” Here it is: You have to claim it before you have it! I claimed being a writer again! I caught myself off guard this morning as I realized I now have a “baseline” presentation that I can adapt as needed based on audience. In other words: I’m a speaker! I speak what I write!
After not writing for several years after my mom died, it is a blessing and a joy beyond expression — even for this writer who uses too many words — to be able to “own it” again. These days I feel a shift happening. My writing is better. It’s more focused and intentional on sharing the message of grace, hope, healing. It helps others discover how the story of their life intersects God’s story for their life.
I’m just getting started! With those several projects on my “list,” I need to get back to the daily discipline I had when I wrote Woman With The Alabaster Jar. I need to not only write 30 minutes a day, every day, I need to be intentional and focused. I need to pick a project and finish it! I want to get it all done, but I know I need to get one done first! Then the next and the next. More writing projects = more 30 minute blocks.
How about it? What are you claiming? Name it. Pray about it. Get working. I can’t wait to see what you can do once you get started!
On Amazon.com: amazon.com/author/marymoss
Website: https://www.divinelydesigned.us