Slowing Down to Speed Up
Sounds counter-intuitive doesn’t it? But I have been on a journey that has taught me my abilities, capabilities and limits. And I must shape my life around all three.
Ability usually refers to skills, which can have degrees.
Capability usually refers to either/or scenarios.
I’ve learned that in order to offer products and services at a particular price, I must establish a perceived value — which comes with experience and evidence. Kingdom work is important to me and I am willing to do the work necessary to acquire/accomplish a high value to afford to do that work.
I have consciously sought out my tribe in the last couple of years. I am surrounding myself not only with those who love and support me but also those who challenge and inspire me. I am seeking out those “ahead of me” so I can learn and grow, both personally and professionally. I spent last year working on mindset, this year working on growing and next year will be blooming and flourishing.
My November is slammed full of worthwhile, yet time-consuming, events and actions: Attending a conference, attending a workshop, co-leading a workshop (still in development), participating in a library author event. So, beginning with Thanksgiving, I am going into “dark mode” while I map out my 2020! I must slow down to head into next year ready to accomplish all God has revealed to me — and also leave enough margin for what may arise along the way — opportunities to grow, learn, teach, coach, encourage, and especially pray.
Ability and capability don’t always have to jive. I have many capabilities that I am not deploying right now because I feel a pressing from the Holy Spirit — I have called it a “holy urgency.” I am walking into a year, a decade, prompted, designed, planned and led by the Holy Spirit. It will be interesting to say the least.
My prayer is that I will be fruitful in doing the Kingdom work. My hope is that I honor God with everything I do, say and create. My dream is to be able to give so much of my time, energy, ability and money away that I am completely depleted and then can be refilled and refueled to do it all again.
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