My “word” for 2017 was/is revolution! And boy, has the year been revolutionary— and there are two months left of 2017!
rev·o·lu·tion·ar·y ˌrevəˈlo͞oSHəˌnerē/ adjective
involving or causing a complete or dramatic change.
What was so revolutionary? So far this year, we welcomed 2 new family members. Lost another to cancer. I worked an extra part-time job after my husband was out of work due to medical issues through May. Got on a plane for a long weekend in Orlando with no plan or itinerary except for a place to meet on Friday night — with 30 total strangers! Quit a toxic job. Started a new job in a field I’ve never worked in. Flew across the country to the Oregon coast to view the eclipse with several family and friends! Quit the MLM business we’d had for several years. Started a new adventure/ministry.
Complete or dramatic change much? I would say! These are just the external changes — the things people see. What isn’t evident is the revolutionary shift in my mind and heart and spirit. This past year has been like a roller coaster ride! And I am so grateful for every good, bad, happy, sad, crazy, new thing that’s happened because they have brought me to present day! I am — and will forever be — a work in progress (emphasis on WORK). So far from where and who I would like to be, I am keeping that goal/desire in the forefront of my mind and heart as I journey along this new, revolutionary path.
I have been considering what my 2018 word will be and I think I know, but I need to pray on it. Revolution certainly didn’t have the context of the actual events of 2017 that I had anticipated! I don’t really remember exactly what I was thinking when I decided upon that word, though it’s obvious I recognized the need for some dramatic changes in my mind, heart, environment, life!
I was at a pretty dark place at the beginning of the year. My husband had undergone emergency surgery and we spent several days in the previous October not sure if he would live — which was thankfully a false alarm. He was out of work for weeks though. I was working 60–70 hours a week between the part-time and full-time jobs. I was in a job that I had once loved but that, sadly, had become unbearable after several reorganizations and management changes. Then a close family member was diagnosed with cancer and passed away. So many other events and situations that bore down on us!
But in the midst of it all, I was rescued by a trip to Florida, hosted by a guy whose dream is to help other people discover their dreams — and live them out! And during that trip, my dream was reignited! It was like a swirling, whirlwind of emotions and realizations that weekend! I did not miss the significance of everything I learned there! And I won’t bore you with the million and one coincidences that had me land in Orlando at just the right time in my life!
For all intents and purposes, I had no business going! My husband said, “Go! Worse case scenario you can sleep in a hotel room and order room service for a weekend!” I was so sick the entire week leading up to my departure date I changed my mind a dozen times not to go. I had even bought flight insurance so I could cancel at the last minute!
I honestly don’t know why I got on the plane. But I knew I needed to “get away” from my life! I was sick — physically and mentally and emotionally! And I needed to be healed! I had high expectations — and no expectations at all! I had been an early “believer” in what my friend, John-Erik Moseler, was saying, doing, teaching. I was a founding member of his social media coaching group and found myself in “opposition” to the mainstream leaders in my MLM company and their followers. I chose — as I always try to choose — what felt right, what felt true, what felt real.
So I got on a plane — with a ticket I couldn’t afford. I had no plan — because I wasn’t given one. Very uncharacteristic for this recovering control freak! I honestly have no idea why I even went except I needed to get away from everything and everyone in my life at that moment! I went! And it was a rescue!
All the good and right and true things I had ever believed were affirmed! Over and over and over again! I met others who had different stories, but were in a similar place in their lives. They had stopped dreaming too! Or they weren’t sure what their dream even was, but wanted more for their lives! We all left that place profoundly changed! We now understand that our dream isn’t just for us: it’s for the world! We’re not selfish by going after our dream! In fact we’re selfish not to because we’re cheating the world! The world needs our dream because our dream just might be someone’s rescue! Just as I was rescued! And it feels so good to pay that forward!
Do you have a dream? Is it stalled? I urge you to invest some time and energy on your dream! Go for it! The world is waiting!