One Percent Changes. Mindset Shift — The First Test
I stuck with my plan to walk farther each day, using the parking lot as my template. Day 3 I walked 60–80 more steps than the previous day. My legs protested! I had on sandals, to be fair, but my legs were NOT happy with me. But I was happy with me. And I knew “I’ve got this” even thought it will be hard.
Throughout the afternoon I thought about food. I had brought healthy food from home to eat if I was hungry. It was kind of a slow, work-at-your-own-pace, work on what you want to kind of day at work. So I had intermittent “down time” as the day wore on. I actually realized I had made food a focal point of my days in the past — probably of my life!
I remembered days when the cafe downstairs was closed and I “ran out” of snacks. I won’t describe my feeling as one of panic, but definitely agitation. For heaven sake! I could easily get in my car to run out for food! I certainly would not starve in the next 3 hours before I got home! But it was a focal point in any case.
I noticed that even though I wasn’t really hungry, I wanted to eat, so as I snacked on my grapes, I thought about the why of it all. I like grapes! But I wasn’t really hungry. I was bored and my habit to address that is to eat. I guess you could say it had become a hobby. Wow! I didn’t eat the entire bag of grapes (a win!). Not that grapes aren’t healthy — I just wasn’t physically hungry!
Last night after work I attended a visitation for the family member of a friend, that began at 6. I went straight from work. The plan was I would attend the visitation and then order our usual Thursday night $8 pizza and pick it up on the way home. The restaurant was super busy. I left for home with our pizza at 7:15.
When my husband suggested that dinner plan, I immediately thought about how pizza would certainly NOT be on the Daniel eating plan! LOL! That was a big shift! But we have very few groceries and we were both tired. So pizza it was! I ate more than I should have, but not as much as I would have in the past! My 1% win for the day!
Mindset shift. I consciously tasted each bite. I was starving. But I made a point to slow down and make each bite count! I “could have” eaten another piece, but I didn’t. I didn’t even think about dessert. I was satisfied.
I think that might be the key here: satisfied. If I can focus on that, the rest will come. I’m going to try substituting drinking a glass of water or — even better — writing, even a short piece — when those “eating as a hobby” urges crop up!
“for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:9 NIV)