One Percent Changes. Detox. Day 3
I didn’t intentionally decide to start with Detox for my 1% lifestyle change. It’s not the only thing I’m doing out of the gate, but as I begin day 3 of this journey, I realize how abusive I’ve been to my body in the past and how I need to clear out all the junk that I’ve been battling against.
Yesterday (day 2) I walked incrementally farther at lunch time than I did on day 1. With my new mindset, I truly celebrated the improvement! I also found I was proud of myself, and encouraged to continue because I like feeling stronger and having more endurance.
I also started the “unintentional” detox process. By the end of day 2 my physical craving for anything containing refined sugar or “bad carbs” was all but gone. The biggest challenge was the mental craving, breaking the habit of having ice cream, cake, cookies, candy, chips, as a default snack. I noticed it. I let it sit. I thought about it, and remembered #thoughtsbecomethings so I focused on my desired end result. The momentary urge to “just have an ice cream bar” passed.
I have intentionally slowed down in my eating. I put down the fork and notice the flavors of the foods I’m eating. I had forgotten how great it is to savor food vs. gorge on it like every meal was my last meal — ever! Slowing down allowed my stomach to send the message to my brain that I was satisfied and didn’t need any more food. (Isn’t the human body incredible?)
I started taking probiotics again — I opted for It Works Greens. I was a distributor for 5 years and have continued to use several of the products to this day as a customer. We had stopped ordering the Greens. Looking back on it, I think I was just so toxic that taking the Greens with my unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle didn’t really make a difference! I noticed immediately — several hours — after drinking the greens on day 1 on the way to work that I was more alert and had more energy throughout the day. I also started back on Elderberry yesterday. My immune system needs all the help it can get!
I think I’m sleeping better. I’m not wheezing. The sinus infection that I had asked the doctor to prescribe antibiotics for (and he did) is all but cleared up — without ever taking said antibiotics! I’m learning/remembering that my body can heal itself of many ailments if I’ll just give it a chance.
For the past several months I had been experiencing random aches and pains. Those are also diminished. After just 3 days! That is further evidence that I was just so toxic, my body couldn’t do what it was designed to do! I was fighting against myself!
I know . . . it’s day 3. You’re probably thinking, yeah, I’ll see how this is going in a couple of weeks . . . but it’s the real deal. I’m not thinking about the scale. I’m not worried about my appearance (I am, of course, but it’s not the motivating factor). This time I’m focusing on loving myself enough to help myself, to take care of myself! To do all the things I tell other women they should do. Am I going to be a role model? I hope so! But only because I know I have friends in the same situation. And I hope that a week from now — a year from now — they’ll see that it’s possible. That no matter how far down the road to beating up their bodies they may be, that their bodies will “reward” them!
We are fearfully and wonderfully made by a God who has perfectly and divinely designed us! I never imaged my word for the year — Escalate — would involve escalating my relationship with God in such a fundamental way. I know every aspect of my life will be blessed by my obedience to protect and care for this divinely designed body He created.
Some reasons I’m sure I’ll be able to navigate this journey:
Faith/study scripture
Mindset — 1% changes
Already several friends have reached out to me to tell me they’re cheering for me! That’s a huge blessing! Because life is hard enough without navigating these challenges on our own. The prayers, love and support of family and friends will be crucial. So I count myself already blessed!