NO New Year Resolutions
I’m not a slacker! Really, I’m not! (Well, maybe I am sometimes!)
I’ve been thinking a lot about what I hope 2023 will look like. I know myself well enough to understand that if I make any grandiose promises, any big plan, any ‘raise the bar’ goals, I will certainly fall short! I start off strong. I’m a starter, a doer, a dreamer! But when it’s pedal to the medal time and a grand scheme or great idea starts to lose its luster, I start to fade. When it’s time to implement, I can feel overwhelmed and give up. Or I’ll stick with it, but only half-heartedly. This result — or lack thereof — reinforces my disappointment in myself and so the cycle stays on repeat.
The truth is, I’ve been making some small changes — most of them in my mindset and attitude. 2022 has been a year of tremendous healing and some self-revelation. God has been working in me and I am allowing Him to direct me — much of the time. I’m eager to shed the weight of so much I’ve carried — accumulating more and more over the years. I’m ready to lighten the load.
Giving up on myself has never been an option. So that is off the table. That stance, though, can be exhausting! Especially when the pattern repeats and repeats and repeats. So, God’s direction/ instructions/ guidance as this new year dawns are quite clear: Do what I was made to do. And that is my plan! I was made to be a writer and to be a guide/coach/mentor for other writers.
That’s it! Isn’t that easier than setting daily word counts, unrealistic and unsustainably established income goals and books published and customers acquired beyond a few days? Write. Help others write. It’s so simple! I have no doubt God just shakes His head at me on an on-going basis!
It’s not complicated! It’s not easy. But it’s simple.
Don’t get me wrong: I have goals I’ve established. There are definitely things I hope to accomplish in the new year. But I’m not hanging my hat on what I have planned for day 364 of 2023 on this it’s first day! 2022 (and every year prior) has taught us is that it is impossible (and foolish) to expect everything is going to effortlessly fall into place in our lives! That doesn't mean I won’t keep moving forward. I am going to be realistic and, hopefully, can be proactive to anticipate adjustments needed.
The new year has begun. In the grand scheme of things, though, this morning is just like every other morning, every day of the year. I’m going to try focusing on that — each day is a new day!
You can find me on line everywhere: