Member-only story
I’m Not Okay! Well . . . I am, But . . .
It occurred to me this morning that I intentionally did not post this week about the fact that (my husband and) I have bronchitis and are on heavy duty meds to cure and heal. I don’t usually post about health challenges like that. I don’t often post about many of my struggles either.
I don’t post for several reasons. First, there are many people who are in much worse situations and I don’t want to draw attention to my “light and temporary burdens.”
I realize, though, that I may have created a picture of my life that is not completely accurate. So, I think I need to be transparent and then complete my thought.
· I am NOT a good “sick person.” I have complained, a lot, this past week. Low-key “sick” is not typically a problem — like allergies, headache, etc., but true illness, not so much!
· I am NOT chill and calm all the time. I am feisty and anxious often, though I’ve been practicing stillness over the past couple of years and continue to seek it out through my prayer life.
· I don’t take care of myself as I should, often/usually. I’ve declared that 2023 will be the year I will prioritize my health and wellness. I’m not going to train for a marathon! I’m not going to go Keto or no-carb or any specialized eating program. But I am going to try hard to eat those foods that will nourish and heal my body and largely avoid those that don’t.
· I’ve consulted with a friend who is also a trained expert and am using…