I started reading a book, May Cause Miracles, by Gabrielle Bernstein a couple of weeks ago. It was recommended by a friend who’s opinions I respect. She offered to allow anyone reading the book to share in her on-line group weekly about our learning, impressions, challenges, thoughts.
I’ve been pretty blown away because it’s a bit new-age-y for me, but the core content is so valuable! The exercises have helped me so much. The short reading to begin each week, prepares the reader for the journey ahead — digging deeper, facing fear, and moving out of and past it to a life of love and light and joy.
I know it sounds so simplistic! That is far from the case! It has made me acutely aware of how my life — and I think this is the case for most of us — is controlled by fear. Yes. Fear. I wouldn’t have assigned that emotion to my life. But I noticied pretty early on a shift in how I respond to things that, in the past, would have sent me into a tail spin., are now “less dramatic” if that makes sense!!
I’ve also been surprised to discover how much of “what’s wrong” in my life is rooted on this deep, almost primordal fear!! So of course, I’m recommending the book! But even more than that, I’m recommending that you get in touch with your ego and start loving on yourself more. Give yourself more grace. Allow yourself time to learn, fail, start again. Don’t be so quick to binge on junk food, drink too much.
A healthier ego = happier life! Make some tough decisions. You wouldn’t let your kids or your best friend harm themselves. You wouldn’t let them say mean things to themselves or abuse themselves. Be your own best friend! Do the hard things your ego needs to heal. Get counseling. Change a bad habit. You are worth it! You can do it! I believe in you! We can perceive fear in one of two ways: False Evidence Appearing Real or Face Everything And Rise.
I’m leaning in to all this unrecognized, unresolved fear. I’m getting braver every day. Gratitude makes a difference! Stop complaining! Our first world problems are not worthy of complaint! Really!
“Fear not” is in the bible 365 times. One per day. I don’t think that’s a mistake or coincidence. We all long for more of God’s peace in the midst of the stresses of our lives! I’m so grateful God has provided us a way to be encouraged and emboldened through His word. And to overcome the fear that holds us back from living the life he desires for us!
“Don’t fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine” (Isaiah 43:1)
You can find me on line here: linktr.ee/themarymoss