Famine. Feast. One Percent Changes
It is a stunningly beautiful day today. Perfect temperature. Perfect breeze. Perfect ratio of clouds to sunshine. The kind of day that makes you want to lay in a hammock and read a good book or snooze on and off looking up at the clouds, listening to the birds, and just “being.” I thought about how it was really a perfect day to prepare for my #OnePercentWednesday meme on Facebook.
Over the last year, I’ve done a LOT of emotional eating. Then in December, after I got sick and was hospitalized for three days, I was so weak, I couldn’t have made a “lifestyle change” if I wanted to!
And I really need a lifestyle change! Like, physically, mentally, emotionally, and especially spiritually! And fast! After spending the last week with our almost-3-year-old granddaughter, I became acutely aware of the damage I’ve done to myself due to having neither discipline nor tangible motivation to improve my health. She gave me that motivation!
I know all the diets. I know all the ideal weight ranges, calorie counts, fat grams and steps for healthy lifestyle. And I have been ignoring all of them, except for wistfully imagining myself in good health, eating well and feeling energetic. And I mean wistful is probably too strong a word because honestly, I gave it even less than that level of energy or brain power!
So I’m doing my own thing, so to speak! I’m letting go of the “all or nothing,” “feast or famine” mentality. I’m going to take what I like/what works for me from several programs. I’m going to put my doggone FitBit back on and keep it charged up. I’m going to drink more water and eat less refined sugar and “white foods.” I’m not setting a weight loss goal. I’m not even eliminating a lot of things from my current eating plan beyond the refined sugar. OK, that probably is pretty big! Also, I’m thinking of ordering The Daniel Plan because I want to incorporate scripture into this One Percent journey.
I know it’s going to be hard work. But hey, I quit smoking — cold turkey — almost 30 years ago. I should be able to quit putting junk into my body, and start moving more! It can’t be any harder than that — because not smoking — even after all this time — takes one decision at a time. That’s how eating is. That’s how exercise/movement is. That’s how deciding to drink a glass of water and have a handful of grapes and nuts vs. a cookie works. I think I’ve got this! Scripture is going to make the difference. It always does!
What is the one percent mindset thing all about? The “official” term is The Aggregation of Marginal Gains. It refers to the fact that improving by one percent isn’t particularly notable or even noticeable, but it can be far more meaningful, especially in the long run. Here’s how the math works out: if you can get one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done. Isn’t that crazy!?
It can be frustrating because I know I probably won’t notice changes/improvements right away. But as time goes on, the small changes will be compounded and I’ll notice a big change/improvement! Small choices don’t make much of a difference at the time, but add up over the long-term.
There are other changes, too. But this one is the most vital, and where I’ll start.
Let me know if you’d like to join me! I’ll be going live or posting something on Facebook on my timeline every Wednesday starting in June.
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