1% Next Step: Ditch the Chips
Whew! Starting week three. My drastically reduced sugar intake has resulted in my having more energy and fewer aches and pains. That’s the only real, consistent change in my behavior so I know that is why!
I’m not craving sugar at all now. Dark chocolate squares are saving me in the times I still want “dessert” or a sweet snack out of habit, but I’m going to work hard to cut even that out eventually, and just have some on hand.
Ditching the chips was harder than I thought it would be. I can’t call it a success yet, as I’m only at the start of day 2. I was super hungry yesterday when I got home from work, and my usual quick fix for that is to grab a couple of big fists full of chips, as soon as I kick off my shoes. I was hungry yesterday because I had celery sticks vs. chips with my low-carb wrap (which was delicious, by the way). I remember telling myself that I would certainly NOT die of starvation while waiting to eat dinner! And I poured myself an iced tea.
Last night, as I was sitting on the couch, watching TV and writing and prepping some posts to schedule on Facebook, I started thinking about those chips . . . I realized then that they had really become a habit when I wasn’t busy — as in fully engaged in something. Sitting on the couch is a huge trigger! I decided to get a cup of unsweetened, decaf iced tea (my favorite beverage) and this morning I dug out a couple of crossword puzzle books to keep with me to start a new “conversation” with my mind and body. “Idle hands” . . .
I love chips. I love the crunch. I love the salt. I love plain chips and plain corn chips. I quit smoking over 30 years ago now, and chips became my substitute on an off over the years. Celery sticks just aren’t the same. But you know what? I love myself more than I love chips. I couldn’t always say that! But I can say it now! I love myself — healthy and whole — more than I love the temporary gratification. I dislike the impact chips have had on my body. Like sugar, it’s just more poison for my body.
I’m not going to be able to do this alone! Hourly, I have “those thoughts.” I’ve got a few scripture passages I recite when it happens. That’s made a huge difference in my success thus far. Knowing in advance how to counter my human tendency with God’s words of encouragement, strength and hope, helps tremendously. And prayer. Lots of prayer.
“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. Rescue me from my enemies, Lord, for I hide myself in you. Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground” (Psalm 143:1–10 NIV).
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